Bolivia is one of the highlights of my traveling ever. It has a breathtaking landscape and some wonderful places to see. The most iconic of all is the Salar De Uyuni, the largest dried salt lake.

As a backpacker, I loved Bolivia and highly recommend it. However it is not an easy destination and needs some prior planning. Here are the highlights
Attractions: The main cities are Sucre, La Paz, Potosi, and Cochabamba. The top natural Attractions are Salar De Uyuni, and High Andes Mountains.
Itinerary: It is ideal starting form the south near the border with Chile, and driving through the Andes, Salar De Uyuni, passing by Potosi, Sucre, LaPaz, and ending up at the border with Peru at Isla Del Sol, the birth place of the Inca civilization. A 10 days minimum trip is needed.
Food: Local popular dish is Mondongo, and popular snack food is salteñas. An amusing fact: people drink tea made from Coca leaves (of which drugs are made) to the fight high altitude sickness.
People: Simon Bolivar, they named the country after him. Ex president Evo Morales (of indigenous origins) was popular figure few years ago.
Ranking: ★★★★1/2. Read more
Top 5 Favorites
1. High Andes

The high Andes is heaven for nature photographers. The colorful lakes, the snow capped mountains, the geysers, the unspoiled landscapes makes for a great trip.
2. Salar de Uyuni

The most iconic of all Bolivia’s attractions is the dried salt lake of Salar De Uyuni, the largest salt flat in the world. We literally drove quiet fast on the lake for about 20 minutes. To get there, most travelers take an organized 3-4 days tour that goes through the Andes, starting from the south near Chilean border.
3. La Paz

La Paz, the highest capital in the world, on the Andes at 3,500m above sea level. On the upper left corner, you can see the outside of the famous football stadium at the highest altitude in the world. Maradona used to complain about playing there as it gives an unfair advantage to the local Bolivian team.
4. Potosi

Potosi was wealthy ex-mining city. It shows that it had good days in the past.
5. Sucre

Sucre is Bolivia’s former national capital.
Don’t Miss These Places If You Have Time
Lake Titicaka. Isla del Sur nearby is known as the birth place of the Inca civilization. The island itself is not very special. But the area is lovely and many Bolivians and travelers alike go visit this place. Also it is the starting point for bus crossing to nearby Peru.
Cochabamba. Known for eternal spring and relaxed atmosphere.
Bolivia is chill, sincere and doesn’t give a damn. See you next time, Bolivia!