Bolivia is one of the highlights of my traveling ever. It has a breathtaking landscape, some wonderful unique places to see. The most iconic of all is the Solar De Uyuni, the largest dried salt lake. To get there most travelers take an organized 3-4 days tour that goes through the Andes.
As a backpacker, I loved Bolivia and highly recommend it. However it is not an easy destination and needs some prior planning. Here are the pictures of my trip in Bolivia starting at the border with Chile, and driving through the Andes, Salar De Uyuni, passing by Potosi, Sucre, LaPaz, and ending up at the border with Peru at Isla Del Sol, the birth place of the Inca civilization. I highly recommend starting from South and going up towards Peru as my itinerary above. A 10 days minimum trip is needed.

My tour started by Atacama desert at the border with Chile. We spent the next two days driving across some beautiful landscapes at 4000 meters high in the Andes mountains. Most of these tours are all inclusive with food, transport, accommodation, and guides. The more pricy the tour, the better the service, and vice versa, the cheaper the very basic it gets.